ONLY for Nashville STR Owners Looking to increase revenue on listings they already have.

How we made 19% MORE revenue in under 30 days (and 26% more in the first 2.5 months), without having to open a single spreadsheet, hire a revenue manager or spend days analyzing our competition

Why Your STR Revenue is
Stuck and How to Fix It

Tired of Watching Competitors Soar While You Struggle?

If you’re like most short-term rental (STR) owners and property managers, you’ve hit a plateau. Your revenue is stagnating, bookings are inconsistent, and despite all your efforts, you just can’t seem to break through to the next level.

Here’s the hard truth: The market is changing faster than you can adapt.

Every day, new competitors are entering the scene, armed with better data, smarter algorithms, and more efficient processes. They’re eating up the market share you used to rely on, leaving you to fight over the scraps.

Old Way

(Hosts who are taking all the bookings in 2024)

Good Hosts + Listing on Airbnb + Reasonable Pricing = Booked

New Way

(Hosts who are taking all the bookings in 2024)

Amazing Host (Guest Favorite + Superhost) + Highly Optimized Listings on Airbnb, Vrbo,, Google + PMS software + Dynamic Pricing Software + Key Data Exports and Data Analysis + Expensive Revenue Manager + Direct Booking System + VA’s + Cleaning Management + Listing Optimization Software + Facebook Groups + Guest Management Software + Guestbook + Stayfi + Online Courses and much, much more... = Booked

See How We’ll get you outperforming your “New way” competition

(at a fraction of the effort and cost)

Why Adjusting Prices Alone Won’t Boost Your Bookings

Sticking to traditional pricing models or manually adjusting rates is not only time-consuming but ineffective.

Yet many hosts believe that setting some rules in a dynamic pricing software and “setting and forgetting” is still fine, but, this approach is no longer getting the same amount of bookings due to the new competition.

Who’s the new competition? Well, they’re hiring professional revenue managers who’s full-time job is to analyze and optimize pricing, all to squeeze out that extra occupancy and revpar.

Why is this happening? The market has become more competitive, and guests have more options than ever before. If you’re not constantly optimizing your pricing ON TOP of your dynamic pricing software (e.g. Pricelabs, Wheelhouse, Beyond), you’re likely losing out to more agile competitors.

Yet, even if you did have all the data on the planet, would you know what to do with all of it?

Even if you have access to data, analyzing it and making sense of it is a full-time job. You’re likely spending hours poring over spreadsheets, trying to figure out why your revenue isn’t growing as it should. Then, spending hours making changes and tweaking your listing and pricing – all without knowing if what you are doing is even helping in the long run

But... Great Pricing Means Nothing If You’re Not Seen

To be seen is to be booked. If your listing isn’t getting the eyeballs in Airbnb’s algorithm, it doesn’t matter what your pricing is!

(base price)
20 clicks
(base price)
78 clicks

The vast majority of bookings go to listings on Airbnb’s first page. If you’re on page 2 or beyond (like page 10), you’re practically invisible!

Being buried in the search results means your guests never even get the chance to see your listing. Without real-time insights into your ranking and performance, you’re left in the dark, missing out on bookings. Thinking your properties are doing well is useless if they’re hidden from view. The competition is fierce, and without visibility, you’re just another listing lost in the crowd.

See how our ranking algorithm puts you (consistently) on page 1

Even if you have access to data, analyzing it and making sense of it is a full-time job. You’re likely spending hours poring over spreadsheets, trying to figure out why your revenue isn’t growing as it should. Then, spending hours making changes and tweaking your listing and pricing – all without knowing if what you are doing is even helping in the long run

See how our ranking algorithm puts you (consistently) on page 1

Look, You deserve to be booked

…but you are still losing bookings: Each day your property sits unbooked is revenue lost forever. Unlike other industries, there an extremely finite amount of inventory we can sell, and if it doesn’t get booked in time, it’s gone!

You are busy, and the “New Way” is extremely time-consuming: Hours spent analyzing data, tweaking prices, and optimizing listings is draining your energy and resources that you need to be putting towards growing your business and making guests happy.

Missed Opportunities: Without the right insights, you’re likely missing out on opportunities to boost your visibility and attract more guests.

See How We’ll get you outperforming your “New way” competition

(at a fraction of the effort and cost)

But Your Competition Isn't Just Growing, It's Evolving

Staying the Old Way Means Getting Left Behind.

Every day that you remain the same, you are losing out on thousands of dollars of future bookings that should be yours.

But, it’s not all doom and gloom because we have really good news. We’ve been working for the last year to develop a solution that would help hosts get all the benefits of the new way of hosting, without all the effort and cost. In fact, our new method optimizes your listings, gets you ranking high in Airbnb’s algorithm, and automatically prices each individual day perfectly so you make as much revenue as possible (even more than your competition!).

And now this proven, done-for-you, three-part system makes optimizing your short-term rental business and beating the competition truly effortless.

And the kicker? The AVERAGE host and property manager we put on our system made 19% more in just the first 28 days, and 26% more in the first 2.5 months (meaning half did BETTER than that).

So, how is it done, and will it work for you?


(nightly rate)

13 Clicks


(nightly rate)

92 Clicks


Our proven, done-for-you algorithm that works even better than the “New Way” and at a sliver of the cost, time, and sacrifice.

Our clients are calling it,
“The Listing Resurrector”

It’s because Revenue IQ has a knack of transforming even underperforming listings into top-ranked, highly visible properties that attract way more bookings and revenue in as little as 28 days.

Here’s how Revenue IQ is bringing our clients listings back to life 

How It Works

Behind The Scenes of how our three-part system is making hosts 19% More in the First 28 days and 26% more in the first 2.5 months on average


7-Day Listing Optimization Program

In the first part of our process, we work closely with you to optimize your listings. Our team of Airbnb experts meet with you to analyze every detail of your listings and use IntelliHost to optimize every single element.


This hands-on collaboration ensures that your listings are enhanced for maximum visibility and appeal upfront. so you get more bookings at higher prices right from the start.


Search Boost Engine

If you don’t show up in search, it doesn’t matter how nice your listing is! This is why we created the search boost engine to get listings ranked high and on the first page more.


By increasing your visibility and attracting more clicks, this algorithm helps your properties appear on the first page way more.


In fact, within the first 31 days, our clients see an average increase of 28% in first-page impressions.

The ultimate goal is to get your listings the attention they deserve, driving more traffic and significantly increasing your chances of getting booked


Search Boost Engine

If you don’t show up in search, it doesn’t matter how nice your listing is! This is why we created the search boost engine to get listings ranked high and on the first page more.


By increasing your visibility and attracting more clicks, this algorithm helps your properties appear on the first page way more.


In fact, within the first 31 days, our clients see an average increase of 28% in first-page impressions.

The ultimate goal is to get your listings the attention they deserve, driving more traffic and significantly increasing your chances of getting booked

Smart Revenue Algorithm (the crown jewel)

The crown jewel of RevenueIQ, our Revenue Maximization Algorithm, uses machine learning to perfectly price each day for your listings as if each day is it’s own product.


By analyzing direct demand data, it fine-tunes pricing to maximize revenue while ensuring bookings.


This dynamic pricing strategy helps you achieve the highest possible revenue without extra work, ensuring your listings are booked and profitable.